Felix Lo Basso, Milano

Oh, this was a fun experience! I was the one of the only two customers that evening; the other one was also a “crazy” man like me, who will go to a restaurant himself. He is a musician, by the way, from Australia but was teaching some courses in universities... [Read More]
Tags: restaurant

Restaurant Twenty Two, Cambridge

Just to put it at the very beginning. I enjoyed this restaurant than my visit to Midsummer House a few months ago, also in Cambridge. The restaurant operates in a very small building next to a main road. However once I stepped in, it was actually quiet. [Read More]
Tags: restaurant

Kitchen Table, London

I learnt by the end that they change menu everyday based on what is available in their own gardens in the north of England. For the purpose of a reference, here is the menu I got, yet, unfortunately, I will give an average score for the set I get. [Read More]
Tags: restaurant