This restaurant is close to Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社). The shrine lighted up in the evening and attracted a lot of tourists. Anyway the restaurant is a very narrow street. I was asked to take off the shoes to enter the seat. There was only one customer on the counter seat,...
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Kyoto Saeki (京都 さえ㐂), Kyoto
This was a fun night. The dinner started very late around 8pm. I suspected that it was the second serve when all the customers did not speak Japanese. It was a very surprise that the restaurant has two waitresses or assistants who can speak Chinese. I have a brief chat...
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Roan (露庵) Kikunoi (菊乃井), Kyoto
I wanted to book “Kikunoi Honten” however I did not managed to get a single-person seat there. The booking agent suggested me “Roan Kikunoi”. Roan Kikunoi locates in a very narrow road next to the river and a bridge. The restaurant was half-full when I joined. I got a counter...
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RyuGin (龍吟), Tokyo
This is one of 3-star restaurants in Tokyo, that allows me book for a table only for one person. The restaurant is located on the top floor of a shopping mall next to the imperial palace garden. I got a table with a great view to the imperial garden especially...
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Kutan (久丹), Tokyo
This was the first night in Tokyo for this trip. The flight landed in the early morning around 7:00am. I waited for an hour in the border control and then took a morning train, that I shared with local commuters, to Ginza (銀座). Anyway, I was not as tired as...
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